In a yet another incident, four Indian youths have been apprehended along with two Bangladeshi nationals from the Alif Hotel in Kuti Bazar under Kashba Upa-Zilla in Bangladesh with weapons. They have been sent to jail custody by Brammanbaria Court.
The arrested Indians youths have been identified as Swarnajit Debnath (23), Normalendu Choudhury (37), Bimal Das (32) and Sankar Sarkar (32), all residents of Tripura. They were in possession of one revolver, four rounds of live cartridges, two country-made guns and a large number of parts of motorbikes, suspected to have been stolen from Tripura.
As per official sources, they are members of a large gang operating in both the countries and involved in various anti-social activities. The police sought ten days police remand but the court sent them to jail custody.
Moreover, senior journalist Tarun Chakravorty has confirmed the development and said that the government is taking action. Moreover, also mentioned that the Indian High Commission to Bangladesh will visit Agartala to discuss on various issues regarding border trade, security, etc.