Niti Deb, a deputy manager of SBI Parliament street branch of New Delhi, has taken three months leave to help her husband and BJP Tripura chief Biplab Deb in election campaign in Agartala, who is fighting election battle for the first time. Biplab Deb, a new face in electoral politics, is in the poll fray from prestigious Banamalipur assembly constituency of Agartala against CPI-M youth front DYFI chief Amal Chakraborty and incumbent Congress MLA Gopal Roy. Banamalipur is traditionally the base of Congress in the electoral history since 1957 when Tripura had not attained statehood. Except 1978, all through anti-left nominees were elected from Banamalipur. Since 1993 assembly elections, BJP has been putting up candidates in the constituency but the vote share was negligible.