Alert troops of the Border Security Force (BSF) in Tripura thwarted several smuggling attempts along the Indo-Bangladesh border, recovering contraband worth Rs 2,64,503, including cattle, Phensedyl syrup, sugar, and other items, officials confirmed on Thursday.
Last week, BSF personnel seized smuggled goods valued at Rs 68,75,000 in one of the largest operations in the region this year. The seizure occurred on New Year's Day near Border Outpost Srinagar in the Udaipur sector, where BSF teams, in collaboration with local police and customs officials, intercepted a large consignment of illegal clothing and cigarettes.
In separate incidents along the border, BSF teams successfully confiscated marijuana, cough syrup, and other contraband worth Rs 1,22,600.
All seized items have been handed over to the appropriate authorities for investigation. While no arrests have been made so far, officials continue to monitor smuggling activities in the area closely.