The Tripura Chief Election Commissioner (CEO) S Taranikant has recommended repolling at the Rahimpur booth in West Tripura Lok Sabha Constituency which headed to the polls on Thursday. "The election commission has received series of reports from different polling booths which are to make dossier and then the Director General of Police is urged upon to take legal action on this”, he said on Saturday.
The CEO while addressing the media on Saturday admitted that incidents such as ‘vote capture’ took place in different polling booths. Citing an example of one such vote capture at Rahimpur Boxanagar of West Tripura district, the CEO said "Some miscreants had entered the polling booth and cast their own vote restricting others from voting…I have recommended for re-polling at the concerned polling booth."
The constituents of Tripura East Lok Sabha Constituency will head to the polls during the second phase on 18 April. The counting of votes will take place on 23 May.