Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha has reached out to Union Home Minister Amit Shah as the state grapples with a worsening flood situation. In a phone call on Wednesday morning, Saha briefed Shah on the severity of the crisis and requested additional National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) teams to bolster relief efforts.
"Spoke to Hon'ble Union Home Minister, Shri @AmitShah Ji and briefed him on the current situation arising out of severe flood situation. I also requested to despatch additional NDRF teams to support our response efforts," Saha stated on social media platform X.
The chief minister expressed gratitude for the assurance of support received from the Home Minister during this critical time. "I am grateful to him for providing all possible support to us at this hour," he added.
The flood has caused significant disruption across the state, prompting urgent action from both state and central authorities.