Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha has announced a one-time financial assistance of Rs 4,000 for construction workers who lost their income due to the recent devastating floods in the state.
Taking to Facebook, CM Saha announced that the state government has decided to offer the assistance in order to help workers cope with the financial strain that the floods would have caused.
He said that the floods disrupted their livelihoods for approximately eight consecutive days.
CM Saha highlighted the suffering of construction workers, who, like other residents of Tripura, have been severely affected by the floods.
A total amount of Rs 17,19,24,000 has been allocated for this assistance, which will benefit the 42,981 registered construction workers across the state.
The West Tripura District has 13,148 registered workers, Sepahijala District has 5,899 workers, 5,698 in Gomati District, 4,133 workers in South Tripura District, 4,529 Khowai District, 3,592 in Dhalai, 3,861 in Unakoti and North Tripura District has 2,121 workers.
The measure aims to provide some relief to the workers affected by the recent natural calamity.