Tripura Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha has urged Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers to identify any Congress or Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPIM) members who may have infiltrated the party. Speaking at the ‘Saktikendra Bistarak Prasikhan’ training program under the ‘Booth Sashaktikaran Abhyan’ organized by the Pradesh BJP at Agartala Town Hall on Friday, the Chief Minister emphasized that both the Congress and the CPIM are involved in conspiracies against the current government.
He expressed concern about the lack of dedication among some party workers and said that training programs like this would help address the issue. Dr. Saha credited the BJP's success in the 2015 to 2018 elections to the wholehearted efforts of party members at all levels who worked with the goal of 'My Booth Strong Booth' in mind.
The Chief Minister also lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi's contribution to the party's victories in the state, including the 2018 elections, and called for the PM to be gifted two seats from the state in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He urged party officials to be determined in this regard.
Dr. Saha warned party members to be wary of the conspiracy by Congress and CPIM and not fall into their trap. He said that the BJP's goal is to solve the problems of the people and work continuously to ensure that the common man does not face any problems.
The ‘Saktikendra Bistarak Prasikhan’ program was attended by booths, mandals, Shakti Kendra, and seven district-level Karyakartas of the party. National secretary of the party Arvinda Menon, state BJP president Rajib Bhattacharya, MLA Kishore Barman, state general secretary of the party Papiya Dutta, and others were also present.