Tripura Pradesh Congress Committee president and West Tripura Assembly candidate for Lok Sabha, Ashish Kumar Saha, along with other PCC leaders held a meeting on Tuesday with the Chief Electoral Officer of Tripura, Puneet Agarwal, demanding adequate steps to ensure a free, fair, and peaceful Lok Sabha election in Tripura.
After the meeting with the CEO of Tripura, Saha stated that the past election experiences for the opposition political party were unsatisfactory and contentious, despite multiple meetings with the CEO.
"The Lok Sabha Election is approaching, and the past election experiences in the state were not satisfactory. We have submitted memorandums and held meetings with the State Election Commission several times. However, as opposition political parties, we are not content with their work.
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Today, we met with the Chief Electoral Officer of Tripura, Puneet Agarwal, once again and emphasized key points for the upcoming election. We urged him to take necessary steps to ensure the Lok Sabha election is conducted in a free, fair, and peaceful manner, considering the current political unrest. We asked him to create a conducive atmosphere before announcing the election date to ensure a peaceful poll. We also highlighted past experiences during the meeting with State Election Commission officials," said the Congress leader.
Saha further mentioned that as an opposition party in the state, Congress is shouldering the responsibility of ensuring the Lok Sabha election is conducted peacefully and is committed to safeguarding the lives and democratic rights of the people.
"During the meeting with the CEO of Tripura, he listened attentively to our concerns and assured us that he would take necessary steps to ensure the election is conducted in a free, fair, and peaceful manner," he added.