Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia has given approval on Agartala - Deoghar air service which was demanded by former Chief Minister and MP Biplab Kumar Deb.
On Facebook, MP Biplab Kumar Deb said, “Thanks and gratitude to the Minister of Civil Aviation Jyotiraditya Scindia and Prime Minister for taking necessary steps on a priority basis in view of the proposal to start Agartala - Deoghar Air Service”.
He further wrote that on the basis of priority in sincere consideration, the concerned airlines are directed to give positive consideration to start air services on this route.
“This air service will help the devotees as well as other passengers travelling for the visit of the holy place of Thakur Sri Sri Nukum Chandra at Deoghar”, the post reads.
MP Deb has written to the Union Minister of Civil Aviation regarding the progress of launching the Agartala-Deogar Air Service for the pilgrims as well as other passengers travelling to Deoghar to visit the holy place of Thakur Sri Sri Nukum Chandra at Deoghar.
In reply, the union minister wrote to Deb and said, “I would like to inform you that Maharaja Bir Bikram Airport, Agartala and Deoghar Airports are owned by the Airports Authority of India. As per the provisions of the RCS (Regional Connectivity Scheme) - UDAN (Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik) Scheme, Deoghar Airport falls under the category of a served Airport. The presently scheduled flight connectivity in respect of Deoghar and Agartala Airport”.
It further reads that with the repeal of the Air Corporations Act in March 1994, the Indian domestic aviation sector was deregulated. It is, therefore, up to the airlines to provide air services to specific places depending upon the traffic demand and commercial viability subject to compliance with the extant guidelines in this regard.
“However, your request of flight operation from Deoghar to Agartala and return from Agartala-Deoghar-Delhi has been shared with all scheduled domestic airlines for favourable consideration”, the letter added.