The Tripura government on March 22 suspended an Anganwadi worker after two children at an Anganwadi center sustained critical burn injuries due to an accident involving hot water at Bairagimura, Melaghar, in the Sepahijala district of Tripura.
An order from the Office of the Child Development Project Officer states that Jayalaxmi Sarkar (Debbarma), an Anganwadi Worker at the Bairagimura Anganwadi Centre in the Telkajla Sector under the Melaghar ICDS Project, has been suspended.
"On March 20, 2024, two 5-year-old girls, Punti Debbarma and Hamari Debbarma, who were pre-primary students at the Anganwadi center, suffered severe burns when hot water was accidentally thrown on them by Anganwadi Worker Jayalaxmi Sarkar (Debbarma). The two girls are currently undergoing treatment for their injuries at the burn unit of Agartala Govt. Medical College & Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital,” reads the order.
The order further states that Jayalaxmi Sarkar (Debbarma) has been suspended from her duties as an Anganwadi worker effective immediately on March 22, 2024, due to her involvement in the incident.
Furthermore, Anita Burman, the Sector Supervisor of Telkajla Sector, along with Debayan Chowdhury (Supervisor) and Bishu Kumar Debbarma (Supervisor), has been tasked with visiting the Anganwadi Center to speak with local parents along with the members of the Anganwadi Center Management Committee.
“A thorough investigation is to be conducted, and a report detailing the findings is to be submitted to the undersigned authorities within two days,” it added.
The Department of Social Welfare and Social Education immediately provided support to the families with Rs. 30,000.
Minister Tinky Roy and the authorities of the Department visited the children in the AGMC and GBP hospital, where they are receiving treatment. They coordinated with doctors, the medical superintendent, and nurses for utmost care and better treatment.
Sources indicate that Minister Roy has decided to further support the children with additional financial assistance from the Department. An inquiry into the incident has been initiated by the department, which has promptly taken action by suspending the service of the Anganwadi Workers. Additionally, there will be strong monitoring by the Anganwadi center management committee to ensure that no such negligence in duty occurs in the future among Anganwadi workers in the state.