Tripura Chief Minister Prof. Dr Manik Saha asserted on Thursday that the current government is unwavering in its commitment to combat corruption, with a resolute stand against compromise on any form of corrupt practices.
Addressing an event, Dr Saha highlighted the government's dedication to transparency and its vigilant approach towards eradicating corruption.
Drawing parallels with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "chowkidar" (watchman) analogy, Dr Saha affirmed that they are the guardians of Tripura, and corruption has no place in the state.
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"Our government is very sensitive. This government is working in a transparent way. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi always says he is a chowkidar, and we are also chowkidar of Tripura. There is no place for corruption. We will not allow any corruption in Tripura. Whoever the person might be, our government will deal with corruption firmly. The government is working to gain the trust of the people by providing assistance to those in need," said Dr. Saha.
Dr Saha attributed the success of PM Modi to the trust and support of the people and predicted a strong victory for the NDA-led BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He underscored the government's commitment to peaceful elections and emphasized the shift from a history of electoral violence to a current state of democratic harmony.