The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has said that Tripura is likely to witness thunderstorms with lightning and extremely Heavy rainfall and has issued a red alert for the Dhalai and Gomati Districts and a yellow alert for rest six districts of the state.
As per IMD, a cyclonic circulation lies over northeast Assam and the neighbourhood persists at 1.5 km above mean sea level.
Another cyclonic circulation lies over Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & neighbourhood at 0.9 km above mean sea level.
A trough runs from north Punjab to Mizoram across north Haryana, north Uttar Pradesh, and north Bihar.
“Strong southwesterly/southerly winds are prevailing from the Bay of Bengal to northeastern States in lower tropospheric levels. Under their influence, Heavy to very heavy rainfall and isolated extremely heavy rainfall very likely to occur over Tripura during 1st July and 2nd July, 2024. The IMD has also issued a Red alert for Dhalai and Gomati District while issued a Yellow alert in rest of the district”, it reads.
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