Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, who also holds charge of the health department in the state on Monday revealed that the reason behind the drastic rise of COVID 19 infection among the BSF personnel was because of the incompetence and neglecting behavior of the force in handling the COVID 19 situations.
“The BSF people did not act according to the social distancing norms and other precautionary measures to thwart the Covid pandemic which led the contagion to spread within the force. The NCDC (National Centre for Disease Control) team which had visited Tripura to trace the source of the sudden spread, in its report, informed that due to the lapses in maintaining social distancing and other preventive measures, the spread took place”, the Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb told media.
Addressing the media at his official residence on Monday morning, Deb also said, “The findings of the NCDC team has been already forwarded to the Ministry of Home Affairs and also informed the state about the reasons of the spread”.
“There are instances and travel history of Jawans coming from several states before the lockdown was imposed. A large number of the Jawans returned from home states in the months of February and March after their leave ended. As per the report, the BSF people did not follow the restrictions and social distancing protocols, hygiene, isolation etc which prompted the dreaded virus to spread among the BSF Jawans”, he added.
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The Chief Minister claimed, those who had returned from other states must be put under quarantine for 14 days as per the protocols. And, had the proper mechanism of sample testing was followed it would become easier to trace the infected Jawans at the earliest and it would have remained under control for sure.
However, he also added that commandant of 138 battalion had been transferred after he was found responsible. To a question regarding the recovery rate, he said, the total Covid tally of Tripura stood at 316 and 163 alone came from the BSF. Though almost everyone had been discharged two persons had been found positive recently who were under treatment, the Chief Minister told reporters.
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