In a major drug bust operation, the Tripura Police detained two vehicles on suspicion of carrying contraband drugs on the night of March 18, 2023, at Srirampur Naka in the state. The two vehicles, a Mahindra Bolero Maxitruck TR-01 AR 1728 and a white-coloured Grand Vitara NHVexa LMV, were reportedly carrying drugs from Kumarghat to Sonamura via Khowai.
Following a tip-off, the police conducted a search of the vehicles in the presence of an Executive Magistrate and independent witnesses. The search led to the recovery of 244 plastic cases from an extra chamber in the vehicle, containing approximately 3 kg of heroin.
The police apprehended three suspects in connection with the case - Jaher Miah (33), son of Abdul Ali of Dupuriya Band, Ashabari, PS-Kalamchoura, Mahabul Alam (38), son of Sahid Miah of Boxanagar, PS- Kalamchoura, and Piklu Bhowmik (37), son of Ajit Bhowmik of Bishalgarh (driver of Grand Vitara Nexa, LMV), PS-BLG.
The suspects were taken into police custody, and a specific case is being registered against them. The police are investigating the matter further to determine the source and destination of the seized drugs.
This operation is a significant breakthrough in the fight against drug trafficking in the state. The police have been cracking down on drug traffickers and smugglers in recent months, and this latest seizure is a testament to their commitment to the cause.
The Tripura Police have urged the public to come forward with any information related to drug trafficking and promised to take strict action against those involved in such activities.