Tripura Police arrested two persons and seized a huge cache of cannabis worth Rs 4 lakh from Mungiakami under the Teliamura sub-division of Tripura’s Khowai district on March 17.
Police sources said that the incident occurred on Friday morning at 7 am when the police detained a 6-wheeler truck in the area adjacent to a market under the Mungiakami police station in the Khowai district.
According to the details of the incident, a tip-off came to Teliamura Sub-Divisional Police Officer Prasun Kanti Tripura on Friday morning that a 6-wheeler container truck vehicle bearing number MH 05 AM 2084 is on the way to Assam to leave Tripura with a huge cache of cannabis.
Also Read: Tripura Police arrest three for attack on Congress and Left Front MPs
Soon after the information, police along with Tripura State Rifles (TSR) and CRPF jawans sit on the national highway and started checking vehicles.
“At around 10 AM on Friday morning, the container vehicle numbered MH 05 AM 2084 was seen coming from Teliamura towards Mungiakami. Based on secret information we detained the truck, During through search we seized 350 KGs of cannabis that was kept in 35 packets. The market value of which will be around Rs 4 lakh”, said Police.
Police have also arrested the driver and the helper of the truck.
In this regard, the police official said that from where cannabis has been brought and where it will be taken, an inquiry has already started through the legal process.