Sudhangshu Das, Minister of Animal Resources Development Department (ARDD), announced on Wednesday that the Tripura state government has initiated steps to achieve self-sufficiency in fodder production. Speaking at the inauguration of a new Animal Hospital building in Belonia Sub-Division, South District, Minister Das highlighted the pivotal role of animal husbandry in bolstering the rural economy.
“Initiatives have been taken to make the state self-sufficient in fodder production. Animal husbandry plays an important role in the development of the rural economy. The state government has taken various steps for livestock development and animal husbandry welfare,” said Minister Das.
He emphasized that apart from employment, it is also possible to make people in rural areas self-reliant through animal husbandry welfare.
At the event, he mentioned that families dependent on animal rearing in rural areas are being encouraged to rear more animals.
“For this reason, the Chief Minister Animal Welfare Scheme has been launched in the state. Arrangements are being made to provide training and loans to the youth in rural areas to create employment and make them self-reliant,” he said.
The Minister also stated that the government is working on plans to increase the production of milk, eggs, and meat in the state.
“To realize this goal, initiatives have been taken to expand animal protection, disease prevention, and treatment systems in the state. Advanced infrastructure is being developed. Mobile ambulance services have also been launched in the state for better treatment of livestock,” he said.