Two individuals, Karan Debbarma and Priya Debbarma, both residents of Khowai district in Tripura, were apprehended at Agartala Railway Station by the railway unit of Tripura police (GRP). The arrest followed the seizure of a sophisticated firearm and two magazines from their possession upon their arrival via the Jan Shatabdi Express on Friday.
The operation unfolded based on undisclosed information received by authorities. Tapas Das, Officer-in-Charge of Government Railway Police Station, detailed the events, stating that the tip-off indicated the possibility of the duo carrying a firearm aboard the Agartala-bound Jan Shatabdi express.
Authorities acted swiftly upon the train's arrival at Agartala Railway Station, identifying the suspects through their suspicious behavior. Das explained that the individuals attempted to hastily cross the foot over the bridge upon disembarking, attracting the attention of the stationed teams, who promptly apprehended them.
During a subsequent search, law enforcement discovered a 9-mm pistol and two empty magazines in their possession. Das clarified that the accused lacked legal authorization to carry such lethal weapons. Consequently, authorities registered a case against them under the Arms Act and pertinent sections of the Indian Penal Code.