Tripura Police arrested two individuals on Friday and seized cannabis worth Rs 55.2 lakh from Ambassa in the Dhalai district.
Police sources revealed that a total of 132 kg of dry ganja in 45 packets was discovered during a search of a truck at Ambasa Naka Point in Dhalai district.
Both the driver and the co-driver of the lorry have been apprehended. The market value of the seized dried ganja is estimated to be Rs 55.2 lakhs.
"Acting on information that cannabis would be smuggled by a truck from Teliamura in Khowai district to Shillong this morning, the police set up a checkpoint at Ambassa. The Ambasa police station, based on the received inputs, detained the truck. Following a search, we seized a total of 45 packets, weighing 132 kgs of cannabis, from a concealed compartment in the truck. The driver and his assistant have also been arrested," stated a police official.
He further mentioned that the market value of the confiscated dry cannabis is approximately Rs 55.2 lakhs.