A routine anti-cannabis operation led by Tripura Police and CRPF personnel took a violent turn as locals launched an unprovoked attack on the security forces. The incident occurred on December 14 in the Panchabati area under Simna of West Tripura, leaving seven individuals, including an Additional Superintendent of Police and an Assistant Commandant, injured.
According to West Tripura Additional Superintendent of Police (Rural) Uttam Banik, the security forces successfully destroyed a large-scale cannabis plantation in a village. However, upon their return, they were met with aggression from the local residents.
"We went to the village this morning to eliminate a significant cannabis plantation. Although we successfully completed the operation, the locals launched an unprovoked attack. They began pelting stones and bricks at us, vandalized our vehicles, and injured seven individuals from Tripura Police and CRPF," Banik explained.
Sources indicate that as the security forces were returning, local residents held them captive and initiated the attack by pelting stones and bricks.
"The police and CRPF personnel retaliated and conducted a mild lathi charge on the villagers. Approximately six to seven security personnel sustained injuries and were promptly taken to the Katlamara Primary Health Center for treatment. The enraged crowd also targeted three buses, including a Bolero vehicle belonging to the Tripura Police and CRPF, breaking windows and causing damage," a reliable source stated.