Following the Dhola killings on Thursday, Prabajan Virodhi Manch (PVM) convenor Upamanyu Hazarika said that the incident is a pre-planned conspiracy which is evident from printed posters that were pasted all over Tinsukia in the aftermath of the incident.
Upamanyu Hazarika in a press statement said, "The dastardly killings which occurred on November 1 in Tinsukia had not only led to the death of 5 people or put their families in misery but is reflective of anarchy in the State. The lawless situation has continued for the last two and half years of this government, but the situation has deteriorated to worst in the last two months. The government has to take the blame for this, since they have allowed such a situation to prevail."
He added, "Out of the blue, suddenly several newly floated organisations cropped up across Assam and got engaged in hurling inciteful statements against various other organisations, which resulted in a duel of provocative statements between organisations. An accumulative result of this has led to the tragic insident of November 1 in which genuince Indian citizens were murdered and will lead to the sufferings of the indigenous people. This is a well framed plan to push the public discourse in an entirely different direction from the actual issues. It is a pre-planned conspiracy and is evident from printed posters pasted all over Tinsukia in the aftermath of the incident."
He added, "Had the government taken appropriate steps at the right time against those organisations and individuals, making inciteful statements, an incident like this could have been avoided."
It may be mentioned that on Thursday, five persons were killed by unidentified gunmen suspected to be militants of the ULFA-I but later on the ULFA-I clarified that they were not involved in the incident.