Tripura Congress has registered cases against three BJP youth leaders at the West Agartala Police station on Saturday night. They have further threatened that if the BJP leaders are not arrested within 24 hours, they will launch mass protests across Tripura.
The political controversy started after Bharatiya Janata Yuba Morcha (BJYM) organized a protest rally in Agartala last night. BJYM had burned effigies of Rahul Gandhi on Saturday night, in front of the state Congress Bhavan.
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The BJYM had organized protests rally regarding Rahul Gandhi’s statement on Rafale issue against PM Narendra Modi after the Supreme Court on Thursday dismissed a review petition seeking a probe into the Rafale deal to procure 36 fighter planes from French company Dassault.
Demanding Rahul to apologize, the BJP leaders organized a protest rally and staged a demonstration in front of Congress Bhavan.
Just after their program, Congress workers too took to the streets and gheraoed the West Tripura police station.
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Congress leader Gopal Roy said that they had lodged a complaint against the three BJYM leader, who have been named as BJYM president Tinku Roy, Vikky Prasad and Joynal Das.
Gopal Roy said, "If the culprits are not arrested within 24 hours, the Congress will launch mass protests against the BJP in Tripura." Gopal Roy further alleged that the three BJYM leaders ransacked the Congress Bhavan, and attacked some Congress workers.
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