Arunachal: DRDO-Kisan-Jawan-Vigyan Mela 2023 boosts integration and agriculture in Tawang

Arunachal: DRDO-Kisan-Jawan-Vigyan Mela 2023 boosts integration and agriculture in Tawang

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) organised the Kisan-Jawan-Vigyan Mela 2023 in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh.

Arunachal: DRDO-Kisan-Jawan-Vigyan Mela 2023 boosts integration and agriculture in TawangArunachal: DRDO-Kisan-Jawan-Vigyan Mela 2023 boosts integration and agriculture in Tawang

The 4th DRDO Kisan-Jawan-Vigyan Mela 2023 was held at the DRL R&D Centre in Changbu Tawang on November 5. This annual event, which serves as a bridge between the armed forces, local farmers, and the scientific community, saw an illustrious gathering of dignitaries and participants from various walks of life.

The event was graced by the presence of Dr. MK Verma, Director of the ICAR-Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture (CITH) from Srinagar, Jammu, and Kashmir, who presided as the Chief Guest. Sh. Kanki Darang, Deputy Commissioner of Tawang, and Brig. VS Rajput, SM, Commander of the 190 Mountain Brigade, were the esteemed Guests of Honour. The Head of Agriculture & Allied departments of Tawang district also attended as invitees, along with subject experts.

The event commenced with the inauguration by Deputy Commissioner Kanki Darang, setting the stage for a multitude of activities, including a Farm produce competition, Flower Show & Competition, Self Help Group (SHG) Product Sale & Competition, Science Exhibition, Science Quiz & Model competition, and a Kisan Gosthi.

The 4th DRDO Kisan-Jawan-Vigyan Mela witnessed a gathering of more than 300 participants, comprising farmers, government officials, army personnel, and SHG members who actively engaged in various events throughout the day. Students from schools in Tawang and nearby areas showcased their knowledge and innovation in the Science Quiz and Model competition.

One of the significant highlights of the event was the signing and exchange of a Memorandum of Understanding between DRL-DRDO, Tezpur, and ICAR-CITH, Srinagar. This MoU paves the way for the field evaluation of elite germplasms of temperate fruits developed by CITH, to assess their suitability under Tawang's unique climatic conditions at the DRL R&D Centre in Tawang.

Edited By: Bikash Chetry
Published On: Nov 05, 2023