Arunachal MP Nabam Rebia questions Nyishi Elite Society president on political inclination

Arunachal MP Nabam Rebia questions Nyishi Elite Society president on political inclination

Rajya Sabha MP Nabam Rebia has written to NES President Tana Showren, questioning the political nature of his role and alleging clan-based politics. Rebia expressed concerns over the misuse of the position for political favours, urging for clarity and stating his non-participation in NES events until a response is received.

Arunachal MP Nabam Rebia questions Nyishi Elite Society president on political inclination

Rajya Sabha MP from Arunachal Pradesh Nabam Rebia wrote to President of Nyishi Elite Society, Tana Showren seeking a direct answer as to whether the post of President of the Nyishi Elite Society (NES) is a political or an apolitical post.

In his letter, the Aruanchal MP said, “Having considered myself as one of the senior political/social leaders as well as responsible members of the single largest Tribe of the State (Nyishi), I am writing this personal letter to seek a direct answer from your end as to whether the post of President of the Nyishi Elite Society (NES) is a political or an apolitical post.”

Stating distaste over the fact that the NES president is involved in encouraging and promoting clan-based politics rather than the common interest of the Nyishi family, Rebia said, “I am pained to say that ever since you assumed the office of the NES President, you have been brazenly involved in encouraging and promoting clan-based politics rather than the common interest of our Nyishi family. You have been found/noticed misusing the position of the office of the apex body to seek political favour for certain persons belonging to a particular clan. This was proved beyond reasonable doubt in the recently concluded general/assembly elections in the state. None of your predecessors did indulge in such divisive politics, whereas, you have sown the seed of bad blood and hatred which is venomous for the society.”

He informed that the formation of All Nyishi Youth Association (ANYA), All Nyishi Students' Union (ANSU) and Nyishi Elite Society (NES) was to promote and foster unity, integrity and brotherhood, adding that activities undertaken by Showren seem to have been dividing and fragmenting the society on clan-basis rather than unification.

“Ever since student days, like many others, we have always been working for the greater cause of the society. Your activities do seem to be a complete departure/deviation from our set out goals and purposes. I am of the firm opinion that you owe te answer and explanation as the head of the NES, whether our big family should be fragmented on clan lines. I would personally dissociate myself from any event of the NES held under your leadership till a satisfactory reply is received,” he concluded.

Edited By: Avantika
Published On: Jun 11, 2024