Residents of Lao and neighboring villages in the Sangdupota Circle, under the Banderdewa Forest Division in Arunachal Pradesh, have reported sightings of a big cat, possibly a leopard or tiger. The animal has been preying on livestock, particularly mithuns, creating panic among the local community.
In response, the Range Forest Officer at Banderdewa and the Divisional Forest Officer have initiated immediate measures. A trap with live bait has been installed to capture and safely rehabilitate the animal. Additionally, a specialized Task Force, led by Tapek Riba, IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests, WAC, has been constituted. The team, working under the supervision of the PCCF and Chief Wildlife Warden, will coordinate with frontline staff and local communities to manage the situation.
Efforts include tracking the animal's movements, setting up camera traps to identify the species, and using trap cages for rescue if required. Frontline staff are actively engaging with local community leaders to create awareness and issue safety advisories. Residents have been urged to avoid outdoor movement during early mornings and late evenings, secure livestock, and report sightings promptly. Special attention is being advised for the safety of children.
Arunachal Pradesh's forests host a significant population of large carnivores, including tigers and leopards. However, a dwindling prey base has increasingly driven these predators toward human settlements, leading to conflicts. The Forest Department emphasizes a dual approach: ensuring human safety while protecting endangered species that are crucial for ecological balance. Regular awareness campaigns are conducted across the state to educate communities on coexistence with wildlife.
The Department urges residents to remain vigilant and cooperate with the Task Force to facilitate the safe capture of the animal without further disruption to local life. The initiative highlights the ongoing challenge of managing human-wildlife conflicts while safeguarding biodiversity in the region.
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