The Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Itanagar said that a total of 117 cases of dog bite were reported within the past one week as per the report of the District Medical Officer, Itanagar Capital Complex, Naharlagun.
As per the information shared by the DC, there are large numbers of unvaccinated stray dogs in the entire jurisdiction of Capital Complex, Itanagar.
In a public advisory, the DC stated, “It has been brought to the notice of the undersigned that the incidents of dog bite cases in the twin capital city is in a steep surge over the past one week.
And whereas, as per the report of the District Medical Officer, Itanagar Capital Complex, Naharlagun, a total of 117 cases of Dog bite have been reported within the past one week.
And whereas, it has been also observed that there is a large number of unvaccinated stray dogs in the entire jurisdiction of Capital Complex, Itanagar.”
Meanwhile, the advisory put forth various directives for people to follow, in order to contain further rise in the cases of dog bite in the Capital Complex.
It was directed that all pet owners of Capital Complex, Itanagar are to ensure that their pet(s) are administered with the requisite vaccination and confine their aggressive animals and dogs safely within 15 (fifteen) days otherwise eviction will be carried out.
Meanwhile, they are also required to ensure that their pet(s) is always on a leash when outside home and not left in open in public places, creating nuisance.
In the event of any symptoms of rabies in pet(s), however the owners are required to report the same to the Senior Municipal Veterinary Officer, IMC or to any Government Veterinary Officer.
The advisory also stated that the Itanagar Municipal Corporation shall coordinate with the Arunachal Dog and Cat Rescue NGO, Lekhi (7085827646) while capturing stray dogs.
Meanwhile, the EAC, Itanagar/Naharlagun and Circle Officer Banderdewa in liaison with the Senior Municipal Veterinary Officer, IMC, Itanagar and District Veterinary Officer, Itanagar are to ensure that further preventive measures are taken including administration of requisite vaccination of rabies to the stray dogs.
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