Spiritual leader turned away at Arunachal airport amid protests

Spiritual leader turned away at Arunachal airport amid protests

Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Shri Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati's visit to Arunachal Pradesh was cut short on Thursday, September 26 as local authorities asked him to return due to protests against his Gau Dhwaj Sthapana Bharat Yatra.


The spiritual leader, who arrived at Donyi Polo Airport in Hollongi via chartered flight, faced opposition from members of the All Arunachal Pradesh Students Union (AAPSU).


The Papum Pare district administration intervened, convincing the Jagadguru and his entourage to depart given the sensitive nature of the visit. The yatra aims to advocate for a ban on cow slaughter across northeastern states.


AAPSU representatives voiced their concerns to the media, stating, "Sending back the spiritual leader may send a negative message to the nation. However, we would like to mention that we are not against any religion, institution, or individual. But this cow protection rally is against the sentiments of Arunachalis."


The union's General Secretary Ritum Tali emphasised the cultural significance of cattle in local traditions, explaining, "Here, we tribals also sacrifice cows when somebody falls sick, thereby using the cow for protection." They challenged the concept of revering cows as mothers, asserting, "If you call a cow a mother, I challenge you to make the cow reproduce a human child, and then I will call it a mother. For us, cows are simply animals.


AAPSU representatives further cautioned against what they perceived as a cultural imposition, stating, "Don't manipulate us, innocent indigenous tribal people. You can preach wherever you want, but not here. We are not against it, but we don't want it here."