Assam Governor takes a break in Lakshadweep, calls it ‘gem of India’

Assam Governor takes a break in Lakshadweep, calls it ‘gem of India’

Assam Governor, Gulab Chand Khataria, recently visited Lakshadweep and shared his excitement about the island on a social media post. The recent surge in tourism interest comes as the Lakshadweep constituency, reserved for Scheduled Tribes, underwent Lok Sabha polls on April 19 in a single phase.

Assam Governor takes a break in Lakshadweep, calls it ‘gem of India’
Story highlights
  • Assam Governor Gulab Chand Khataria visited Lakshadweep
  • He applauded the island's beauty and tourism potential
  • His visit coincides with a surge in tourism interest following PM Narendra Modi's visit in January

Gulab Chand Khataria, currently serving as the 27th Governor of Assam, recently visited Lakshadweep and shared his excitement about the island on a social media post. He called Lakshadweep a "gem of India," praising its beautiful beaches, stunning views, and colorful marine life. He urged people to experience the aquatic wonders of Lakshadweep and immerse themselves in the beauty of Bharat.

“Lakshadweep, a gem of India, beckons with its pristine shores, breathtaking scenery, and vibrant marine life. My visit to this enchanting archipelago has surpassed all my dreams, leaving me in awe of its beauty. I appeal to everyone to visit this beautiful land, experience the aquatic wonders of Lakshadweep, and immerse themselves in the splendor of our beloved Bharat”, tweeted Khataria sharing pictures with his wife on the beaches of Lakshadweep.

In a ripple effect of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Lakshadweep in January, tourism officer Imthias Mohammed T B confirmed an increase in inquiries to visit the island region. 

PM Modi's visit drew global attention to Lakshadweep and its tourism potential, as noted by External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar earlier in January. External Affairs Minsiter, S Jaishankar highlighted that PM Modi's visit focused attention on Lakshadweep's potential for tourism, which could contribute to the region's prosperity while allowing visitors to experience its unique culture and traditions.

During his visit, PM Modi shared pictures of his experiences in Lakshadweep, including admiring the natural beauty of the white beaches and pristine ocean. He encouraged adventure seekers to include Lakshadweep in their travel plans, emphasizing its appeal for those looking to embrace new experiences.

The recent surge in tourism interest comes as the Lakshadweep constituency, reserved for Scheduled Tribes, underwent Lok Sabha polls on April 19 in a single phase.

Edited By: sanchayaita roy
Published On: May 16, 2024