Assam: Indefinite protest begin by displaced persons of Silsako Beel

Assam: Indefinite protest begin by displaced persons of Silsako Beel

Displaced persons of the Silsako Beel lake in Guwahati today began an indefinite protest seeking compensation and rehabilitation for about a thousand families that were evicted by the Assam government from the wetland area.

Assam: Indefinite protest begin by displaced persons of Silsako Beel

Displaced persons of the Silsako Beel lake in Guwahati today began an indefinite protest seeking compensation and rehabilitation for about a thousand families that were evicted by the Assam government from the wetland area. 

People under the banner of Silsako Displaced Persons Association stood and placards and shouted slogans as they demanded that proper compensation and rehabilitation to the displaced persons by the government. The protestors alleged that the Himatna Biswa Sarma-led BJP government had promised compensation and rehabilitation for the displaced persons but till date nothing has been done in this regard. 

The protestors also held up the photos of the five persons who have died since the eviction drive and demanded that their demands be met at the earliest before more people fell prey to death. 

The protestors further made it clear that the protest, which began today, will go on indefinitely till the government agrees to their demands and provides them with compensation and rehabilitation. 

It was also stated that if no effort is made by the government to meet their demands, then a team of the displaced persons will go to Delhi ahead of the Lok Sabha elections and protest there putting forth their demands before the Central government. 

Today's protest was also joined by members of the Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) who also demanded that the demands of the displaced persons of Silsako Beel must be met with at the earliest. 

KMSS leader Akash Doley targeted the government for not providing any relief or rehabiliation to the displaced persons of Silsako so far. Doley also said that while indigenous people have been pushed out of their homes, establishments by the wealthy people have been left untouched. Doley said that the government's eviction dive could not touch the Ginger Hotel, The Ideal Hillview and a few other buildings in the same area. He further said that the KMSS would support the displaced persons in taking their protest to the national capital if their demands are not met with. 

Since 2022, around 1,000 families have been evicted from the wetland in three phases. The first phase of eviction was done in May 2022 and the other two phases were conducted respectively in February and September last year. 

Edited By: Joydeep Hazarika
Published On: Feb 20, 2024