Assam Police is once again making waves on social media, offering a playful yet thought-provoking approach to New Year’s Eve festivities. In their latest social media post, they introduce the 'DJ Lockup Night'—a cheeky, safety-conscious reminder for partygoers to enjoy responsibly as they usher in the New Year celebrations.
The post, aimed at promoting safe driving and responsible partying, invites people to join in on the fun while keeping their safety a priority: “Where the beats are hot, but the bars are cold!” The post humorously features a countdown until midnight, with an unexpected twist—participants are reminded that the countdown could last until “your bail” if they don’t stay sober and follow the rules.
The lineup for the night includes DJ Lockup, DJ Breathalyzer, MC Seatbelt, and DJ No-Drunk-Driving, along with DJ Sober Rider and the Safe Squad. Partygoers are urged to adhere to a unique dress code: “Helmets, Seatbelts, and Good Decisions.”
In a playful jab, Assam Police adds: “And if you need a DJ, don’t let it be us”—encouraging revelers to stay smart and avoid the consequences of unsafe behavior.
The post concludes with a final slogan: #NoRegretNewYear, reminding everyone that a safe, fun celebration is the best way to start the new year.
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