In a harrowing incident that unfolded in the Birubari area of Guwahati on Wednesday, a transformer explosion has resulted in the hospitalization of three individuals at the Gauhati Medical College Hospital (GMCH). The victims, Rinki Tiwari (35), Mira Tiwari (4), and Rohit Ali (40), have suffered severe injuries, with medical officials providing an alarming update on their conditions.
Rinki Tiwari and her daughter, Mira Tiwari, are reported to be in critical condition. GMCH’s medical team detailed that Rinki has sustained electric burns covering 20%-30% of her body, with significant damage to her face. Her young daughter, Mira, has endured the most severe burns, with 30 per cent-40 per cent of her body affected by superficial mixed flame injuries, also involving her face. Rohit Ali, who also sustained burns, has 10 per cent -15 per cent of his body affected.
Doctors at GMCH are closely monitoring the trio’s conditions, prioritizing intensive care for the most critically injured. The incident has sparked serious concerns over the safety and upkeep of electrical infrastructure in the city. Authorities have pledged to launch a thorough investigation into the cause of the blast, with plans to enhance safety measures and prevent such tragic occurrences in the future.
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