Government's Policies has created confusion in Assam: Upamanyu Hazarika

Government's Policies has created confusion in Assam: Upamanyu Hazarika

Government's Policies has created confusion in Assam: Upamanyu Hazarikarally

Guwahati, November 4, 2018:


Hazarika said, "Suddenly new Bengali leaders and organisations have sprouted in the last few months who spare no efforts in incitement and inflammatory statements, persisting until it draws a reaction and then launch another round."

He added that Instead of taking preemptive action against such persons, Government acts belatedly to arrest pro talk ULFA leaders Mrinal Hazarika and Jiten Dutta adding to a growing perception among the public that the government is soft on the Bengali leaders. This only exacerbates the situation.

He added, "The language conflict , between Assamese and Bengalis, long dead has revived in an alarming manner, over which the state government is perceived as actively encouraging one side against another. It vehemently opposed the bandh call of 23 October 2018, against the Citizenship Amendment Bill but made overt noises of support to the bandh call in the wake of Tinsukia killings."

He further added that the 2014 and 2016 elections in Assam were won by the BJP and allies on anti foreigners plank and with wholehearted support of Assamese and Bengali votes and to now create a rift between the communities is politically harmful to the BJP, and that too so close to the Lok Sabha elections.

"Good politics lies in good law and order governance and increasing insecurity amongst all in Assam will cost the state government heavily in future elections", he added.

Edited By: Admin
Published On: Nov 05, 2018