In a bizarre turn of events, a daring thief managed to break into the residence of renowned singer Zubeen Garg by cutting through the roof. However, this audacious act left much to be desired as the thief's loot consisted of three pressure cookers and a couple of Amul Cool drinks.
Describing the incident, Garg couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. "If you're going to steal, at least do it properly," he quipped with a mix of frustration and amusement. It seems the thief's aspirations fell short as the stolen items hardly qualify as valuable treasures.
Garg, known for his wit and humor, couldn't resist poking fun at the intruder's choice of loot. "Pressure cookers and Amul Cool drinks? Is that really the best you could come up with?" he chuckled. "If they had just asked me for the money, I would have gladly given it to them."
While Garg was able to see the lighter side of the situation, he couldn't help but wonder about the thief's thought process. "If they wanted to be true masters of the craft, they should have shown some ingenuity," Garg remarked. "Perhaps they missed the memo on how to be a smart thief."
Reflecting on the incident, Garg expressed his concern for the thief's safety. "Had they accidentally injured themselves, I would have taken them to the hospital," he said.
As Garg calculates the cost of repairing his roof, which amounts to a hefty sum of 15,000 rupees, he can't help but ponder the irony of it all. "The thief managed to create more trouble for themselves than they gained," Garg quipped. "It seems they underestimated the challenges of being a successful thief."
"t cost me 15000 rupees to repair my roof, whereas the thief only managed to take away products worth 7000 rupees.", he said.
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