Assam: Bongaigaon teacher accused of aggressive discipline tactics, parents demand public apology

Assam: Bongaigaon teacher accused of aggressive discipline tactics, parents demand public apology

A disturbing incident has come to light at Panchpur ME School, located within the Bongaigaon education block in Assam involving alleged physical and verbal abuse of students by an assistant teacher. The incident has sparked widespread concern among parents, locals, and the broader public, raising questions about the safety and well-being of students under the care of educational institutions.

Sanjiv Rai, an assistant teacher at the school, stands accused of subjecting three young students to severe disciplinary measures, including compelling them to perform sit-ups sixty times. Reports indicate that Rai also resorted to slapping, kicking, and threatening the students, creating an environment of fear and intimidation within the school premises.

The incident reportedly unfolded during the tiffin period when a piece of bamboo accidentally fell onto Rai's four-wheeler. In a fit of rage, Rai purportedly unleashed his anger on the students, physically assaulting them and subjecting them to humiliating disciplinary actions.

The gravity of the situation prompted parents and members of the local community to take immediate action, confronting Rai and demanding accountability for his actions. Prior to the start of the school day, a group of concerned individuals gathered at the school entrance, expressing outrage and demanding justice for the affected students.

 Rai eventually admitted to his wrongdoing and offered a public apology to the aggrieved parties. However, the incident has left a lasting impact on the community, eliciting shock and disbelief at the severity of the teacher's actions.

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