Assam: Rabha Hasong leader urges residents to demand Sixth Schedule status from BJP

Assam: Rabha Hasong leader urges residents to demand Sixth Schedule status from BJP

Frylin R Marak, an executive member of the Rabha Hasong Autonomous Council (RHAC), called on local residents to press BJP members for Sixth Schedule status under the Indian Constitution. Marak made these remarks during an RHAC distribution ceremony on September 28, where various items were given to 1,200 beneficiaries from 48 villages.

The statement comes as the BJP conducts a membership drive in the area. RHAC has long sought Sixth Schedule status, which would grant the council greater autonomy and access to more development funds.

Marak criticised political parties for using the promise of Sixth Schedule status to win elections, only to forget their commitments once in power. "The people of the RHAC area were deprived every time," he said.

The distribution event saw a range of items given out, including bicycles for poor students, roofing sheets for families in need, sports equipment for local clubs, and solar-powered torches to protect against wild elephants at night.

Marak expressed optimism about recent developments, noting that on February 9, the state government sent a proposal to the central government for RHAC's inclusion in the Sixth Schedule. If granted, this status would significantly boost funding and development opportunities for all ethnic groups in the Rabha Hasong area.