Former Chief Minister of Assam and Dibrugarh Lok Sabha constituency candidate Sarbananda Sonowal graced the Goru Bihu celebrations at Bajalatali in Tinsukia. Organized by the Yuvak Sangha and Library. Goru Bihu is a cherished tradition that embodies the essence of Assamese culture.
The event witnessed a jubilant gathering of locals, who came together to honor this age-old festival. Among the festivities was the traditional egg fight, a lively custom integral to Goru Bihu, in which Sonowal enthusiastically participated.
Entrepreneurs and community leaders present at the celebration emphasized the importance of preserving such customs. Sonowal expressed his deep respect for the traditions upheld during Bihu and extended heartfelt greetings to all attendees.
State Cabinet Minister Sanjoy Kishan also joined in the festivities, extending warm wishes to the public on this auspicious occasion. The Goru Bihu celebrations not only serve as a platform for joyous revelry but also as a testament to the enduring spirit of Assam's cultural legacy, where past and present converge in a colorful tapestry of celebration.
Sarbananda Sonowal, Goru Bihu, Assam, Culture, Tradition, Festival, Yuvak Sangha and Library, Egg Fights, Sanjoy Kishan
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