Tension soared in Dhupdhara, a town in Goalpara district, following a shocking incident of violence on July 24. The community is reeling after a heated argument over a stolen bike led to a brutal beating that resulted in the death of Gautam Kalita.
According to witnesses, the conflict began when three individuals engaged in a fierce argument over the alleged theft of a bike. Accusations flew, with one of the men being accused of selling the stolen vehicle. The situation rapidly escalated, leading to tragic consequences.
A bystander, who chose to remain anonymous, described the scene: "Three people were arguing intensely about a stolen bike, accusing one of them of selling it. I was sitting nearby, observing the whole scene. They demanded that he reveal where he had sold the bike. I offered to accompany two of them, and together we went to confront the accused. Eventually, they beat him to death."
The victim, Gautam Kalita, was initially picked up on suspicion of being involved in the bike theft. In Baghdoba, two individuals brutally assaulted Gautam, leaving him severely injured. He was quickly transported to Guwahati Medical College Hospital (GMCH) for urgent treatment.
Despite showing initial signs of recovery, Gautam’s condition deteriorated, leading to his transfer to Kalyani Hospital in Boko. Tragically, he succumbed to his injuries, leaving the community in shock and mourning.
Authorities are investigating the incident, and efforts are underway to bring those responsible to justice. The violent turn of events has heightened tensions in the area, as residents grapple with the aftermath of this tragic loss.
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