Assam youth decries people of the state forgetting their roots, birthright and sense of freedom

Assam youth decries people of the state forgetting their roots, birthright and sense of freedom

A youth from Assam, identified as Manash Borgohain in a long Facebook post decried the slow death of the Assamese identity and the sense of freedom that once people enjoyed.

Sharing a video message along with the long post written in Assamese, Manash mentioned how freedom has lost its true meaning and that money and power has captured the minds of the people as the true identity of bring free. 

“We have unintentionally forgotten the definition of freedom as we take the poisonous smell of the injustices around society. In the same way, the word freedom was omitted from the mind. But when there is constant deprivation-humiliation, plunder, repression, injustice-injustice, violence-murder, rape, when we see some childless parent, old people crying for justice, or when we hear that scream, then freedom is wronged”, said Manash in his Facebook post.
“When there is talk of how money can be easily made by the influence of fraud in the neighborhood of the society, when only individual-centric interests act in the heads of the storms of politics, when corruption takes over the walls of educational institutions, we are worried about how such a society, such politics and educational institutions will explain the meaning of freedom to future generations”

“Does freedom mean just a handful of food and a place of residence? Or is it a government that can somehow manage its family? Surely those of us who are obsessed with self-centered dreams will not understand the essence of freedom”, added Manash in the Facebook post.

Alleging how the people of Assam have forgotten their roots and are now dependent only on government jobs, Manash added further that people of the state cannot fight for their rights until and unless they don’t turn Bedouins.  

“As a Bedouin, today we are out to fight for our rights. We cannot be sure of our birthright and the full independence of Assam until we are ready to sacrifice our lives for it”

"Blood and sweat" are an essential part of the freedom armed revolution. There is not a single country in the world that has not been bloodied in the freedom struggle. If blood loss is a crime and it is because of this that a section is banned then what would the birth process of the human race be called?

“Along with the government of Assam, the colonial ruling class has understood the mentality of the now-defunct Assamese. Over the past decades, by confining the Assamese inside a closed wall, the two exploiters understood that any animal in the midst of a closed wall becomes rebellious and violent. That is why now both the parties are lovingly feeding the Assamese hangers i.e. in the middle of the cage.

The Assamese nation today is just like the bird that is imprisoned in that cage. He has seen everything from love, food, job, etc. But I can't breathe on my own and with self-respect. I can't express the faults and wrongdoings with an open mind. Whenever any prisoner raises his voice he has to face harassment from the government. Is this what you call the rights of citizens of a free country? 

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