Dysfunctional solar lights and loudspeakers in Assam's Kaliabor draw local ire

Dysfunctional solar lights and loudspeakers in Assam's Kaliabor draw local ire

Approximately 90% of solar-powered lights installed with rural development funds are non-functional in Kaliabor, sparking frustration among local residents. The lights, placed along roadsides in villages such as Dalgaon, Gaadikuri, Hatbor, and Bhadali under the Hatbor village panchayat, ceased to work merely three to four months post-installation.

Residents expressed their disappointment, noting that these lights were intended to improve safety and accessibility in rural areas. "They were supposed to make our roads safer at night, but now they just stand there, useless," said a local resident.

In addition to the defunct solar lights, a Fixed Loudspeaker System (FLS) installed for public announcements is also in disrepair. This system, designed to disseminate government announcements and morning-evening news through Akashvani Kendra, now hangs unused in a public space, described as resembling "a bear's nest."

Local villagers have called on authorities to repair and maintain these installations. "We need these systems to be operational. They are vital for our safety and staying informed about government programs," a community member emphasized.

The dysfunctional state of these rural development projects raises concerns about the effectiveness of local governance and the proper utilization of funds. As the community continues to voice their dissatisfaction, the panchayat is under pressure to address these issues promptly.