Afraid of Coronavirus? Here's What You Need to Do

Afraid of Coronavirus? Here's What You Need to Do

Afraid of Coronavirus? Here's What You Need to DoFile photo: A Tehran woman wears a mask

New Delhi, March 4, 2020:

Are you afraid of the coronavirus that has spread its tentacles to several countries and claimed hundreds of lives? Well, the Government has issues a set of directives for the people so that they can take precautions against the deadly disease.

Amit Khare, Secretary, Ministry of Human Resource Development, has urged all the Chief Secretaries to "create awareness" among the students.

"In order to create awareness among students, preventive interventions such as frequent hand wash, respiratory etiquettes, (using handkechief over mouth while coughing/sneezing, use of tissue paper or using the sleeve of shirt covering upper arm, staying away from school when sick, avoiding public gatherings etc) would help in preventing/reducing transmission of not only this disease, but also large number of other communicable diseases", read the official communique.

Meanwhile, the head of the World Health Organization said that the global mortality rate for Covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, was 3.4 percent, a figure that primarily reflects the outbreak in China, where the vast majority of cases have been detected.

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Edited By: Admin
Published On: Mar 05, 2020