Allu Arjun's much-anticipated sequel, Pushpa 2: The Rule, has taken a record-breaking start at the Hindi box office, amassing an impressive Rs 65 crore nett on its opening day, surpassing Jawan’s Rs 64 crore debut earlier this year. The film’s unprecedented performance, achieved on a non-holiday, highlights the massive hype surrounding the action-packed entertainer.
The film garnered a significant contribution of 48% from top multiplex chains, with PVRInox leading the charge at Rs 19.30 crore. Cinepolis followed with Rs 5.62 crore, while Miraj, MovieMax, Rajhans, and MovieTime contributed Rs 2.60 crore, Rs 1.40 crore, Rs 1.24 crore, and Rs 0.82 crore respectively. Collectively, multiplex chains accounted for Rs 30.92 crore of the total, with smaller multiplexes and single screens contributing Rs 34.08 crore.
On the territorial front, Pushpa 2 recorded stellar performances across circuits, collecting Rs 5.40 crore in East Punjab, Rs 12 crore in Delhi-UP, and Rs 21.20 crore in Mumbai.
The record-breaking opening is attributed to a combination of audience anticipation and strategic pricing. Despite higher ticket prices, Pushpa 2 saw extraordinary footfalls across the board, with predictions suggesting that even a 10% price reduction would not have hindered its historic start. Analysts suggest a holiday release could have pushed the first-day collections to Rs 75 crore.
The non-holiday opening of Pushpa 2 has not only set benchmarks for sequels but also redefined box-office dynamics. With a gripping storyline and Allu Arjun’s magnetic performance, the film is expected to sustain its momentum over the weekend.
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