Heavy snowfall in Japan kills 17, several injured

Heavy snowfall in Japan kills 17, several injured

More snowfall over the Christmas weekend increased the number of dead to 17 and the number of injured to 93 by Monday, December 27 in Japan.

Heavy snowfall in Japan kills 17, several injuredSnowfall in Japan

According to meteorological officials, strong winter fronts have pounded parts of Japan with heavy snow, particularly along the west coast, killing 17, injuring 90, and leaving up to 10,000 households without power.
Strong blizzards have already exacerbated the situation, with cars stranded on the roads and delivery services delayed since mid-December.

According to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, more snowfall over the Christmas weekend increased the number of dead to 17 and the number of injured to 93 by Monday, December 27. Many had fallen while removing snow from rooftops or were buried beneath thick piles of snow sliding off rooftops.

Municipal offices in snow-stricken areas urged residents to exercise caution and not work alone when clearing snow.

Many parts of northeastern Japan received three times their season's average snowfall.
Heavy snow fell on an electric power transmission tower in Japan's northernmost main island, knocking out power to about 20,000 homes on Christmas morning, though most areas were restored later that day, according to the economy and industry ministry.

Several trains and flights were also suspended in northern Japan through Sunday, according to the transportation ministry, but services have since mostly resumed.

Also read : Sikkim receives season’s first snowfall, cold wave blankets region


Edited By: Nandita Borah
Published On: Dec 28, 2022