India delivers humanitarian aid to Palestine amid escalating crisis

India delivers humanitarian aid to Palestine amid escalating crisis

India dispatches humanitarian aid to Palestine amid regional tensions. Calls for peaceful dialogue and resolution continue.

India delivers humanitarian aid to Palestine amid escalating crisisIndia delivers humanitarian aid to Palestine amid escalating crisis

India has dispatched a significant shipment of humanitarian aid to Palestine. The initial consignment, weighing 30 tons, includes vital supplies such as medicines, surgical items, dental products, general medical supplies, and high-energy biscuits. These essentials will be distributed through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Randhir Jaiswal, spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs, announced the delivery on X, stating, “India sends humanitarian assistance for the people of Palestine through UNRWA.” The statement emphasized the range of items included in the shipment, highlighting their importance for those affected by the ongoing conflict.

The urgency of this aid is underscored by a recent warning from the World Food Programme (WFP) regarding the deteriorating food security situation in northern Gaza. On October 12, WFP reported that no food aid had reached the area since October 1, raising concerns about the depletion of existing supplies. 

In response to the escalating crisis, the United Nations has reiterated calls for an immediate ceasefire. UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, expressed alarm at the worsening humanitarian conditions, stating, “The nightmare in Gaza is intensifying,” as relentless strikes compound the suffering of the local population.

Further, UNRWA has described the living conditions in Gaza as "inhumane," with reports of waste accumulating in central areas and sewage spilling into the streets. Families are forced to live in close proximity to this filth, facing health risks from the unsanitary environment. The agency continues to advocate for a ceasefire to address the urgent humanitarian needs in the region.

Edited By: Aparmita
Published On: Oct 22, 2024