Iran Hoists ‘Blood Red Flag' over Qom Mosques Indicating War against US

Iran Hoists ‘Blood Red Flag' over Qom Mosques Indicating War against US

Iran Hoists ‘Blood Red Flag' over Qom Mosques Indicating War against USred flag

New Delhi, January 6, 2020:

Iranians raised a “blood-red flag” indicating their vows of revenge against the US for killing General Qassem Soleimani in an airstrike in Baghdad.

The video of hoisting the red flag over the minarets at the revered Jamkaran Mosque in the holy city of Qom went viral in all the social media platforms.

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During the hoisting of the flag, the mosque speakers called, 'O Allah, hasten your custodian reappearance,' a reference to the end-times reappearance of the Mahdi.

It may be mentioned here that there is a belief that the Mahdi is a divine figure who would appear to bring a Day of Judgement and rid the world of evil.

In Shia Islam, the red flags symbolize the blood spilled unjustly and serve as a call to avenge the person who is killed. The red flags are being widely flown at demonstrations in the country capital Tehran after the US strike in Baghdad.

The development took place after Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei and President Hassan Rouhani consoled Soleimani's distressed children at his family home, assuring them the commander would be avenged.

Reportedly, this is the first time in the Qom mosque's history that the red flag has been raised over the building since the Middle Ages.

ALSO READ: Top Iranian Commander Qassem Soleimani killed in US Airstrike in Baghdad

It may be mentioned here that General Soleimani was killed in the early hours of Friday outside Baghdad's International Airport in an airstrike ordered by US President Donald Trump.

According to reports, the General was the architect of Iran's shadow warfare and military expansion in the Middle East. He was being targeted specifically because he was actively developing plans to kill members of the U.S. military and diplomats in the region.

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Edited By: Admin
Published On: Jan 06, 2020