Israel & Hamas Agrees for Ceasefire after 11 days of Terror

Israel & Hamas Agrees for Ceasefire after 11 days of Terror

Isreal and the Palestinian militant group Hamas agreed to a ceasefire on Friday after 11 days of fighting.

Israel & Hamas Agrees for Ceasefire after 11 days of TerrorIsreal Hamas Agrees to Cesaefire

Isreal and the Palestinian militant group Hamas agreed to a ceasefire on Friday after 11 days of fighting.

US President Joe Biden Pledged to salvage the distraught Gaza Strip while United Nations urged to renew Isreal-Palestinian dialogue.

The bombardment of Gaza and rocket attacks by Isreal on the towns ended after 11 days followed by the agreement arbitrated by Egypt. However, the negotiation for the maintenance of stability is yet to be done.

The death toll has touched 243 with the recovery of five more bodies in the Palestine enclave. Out of these, 66 are children. Nearly 2000 have been wounded and thousands of houses were damaged.

Along with 12 civilians, a soldier lost his life in Isreal. Mny are undergoing treatment for injuries in rocket salvoes that created panicky making people rush into shelters.

Victory chants could be heard from Mosque loudspeakers saying "the victory of the resistance achieved over the Occupation (Israel)." Cars driving around East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah at dawn flew Palestinian flags and honked horns, echoing the scenes in Gaza.

In the countdown to the 2 a.m. (2300 GMT Thursday) cease-fire, Palestinian rocket salvoes continued and Israel carried out at least one air strike.

It has been announced by Egypt that two delegations will be sent to take stock of the situation as warring parties stated that they would retaliate in case of any violation. Civilians on both sides of the front line were in doubts.

The violence triggered by the Palestinians brewed on May 10 at what they saw as Israeli limits on their rights in Jerusalem, including during police confrontations with protesters at Al-Aqsa mosque during the holy month of Ramadan.

Edited By: Admin
Published On: May 22, 2021