Israeli airstrike kills 20 in Gaza amid leadership rift

Israeli airstrike kills 20 in Gaza amid leadership rift

An Israeli airstrike in central Gaza on May 19 resulted in 20 civilian deaths, predominantly women and children. The attack comes as disagreements within the Israeli government escalate over Gaza's governance post the eight-month conflict.

Israeli airstrike kills 20 in Gaza amid leadership riftIsraeli airstrike kills 20 in Gaza amid leadership rift

An Israeli airstrike in central Gaza on May 19 killed 20 civilians, mostly women and children, as fighting intensified across the northern areas. The strike comes amid growing divisions within Israel's leadership over plans for governing Gaza after the eight-month conflict.

Pressure is mounting on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from within his own security cabinet. Key rival Benny Gantz has warned of leaving the government by June 8 if a plan for an international interim administration in Gaza after the eight-month war is not formulated.

The escalating violence coincides with a visit by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. He is expected to discuss a U.S. proposal for Saudi Arabia to recognize Israel in exchange for the Palestinian Authority governing Gaza and a path to a Palestinian state.

However, Netanyahu, who opposes Palestinian statehood, has rejected these proposals. He insists Israel will retain overall security control in Gaza and partner with local Palestinians unaffiliated with Hamas or the Palestinian Authority.  

Edited By: Aparmita
Published On: May 19, 2024