Israel army kills 60 Hamas, rescued 250 hostages

Israel army kills 60 Hamas, rescued 250 hostages

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has release a video footage of an elite unit that saved over 250 hostages close to the Gaza border line on Friday (October 13). The operation was so daring that it resulted in the deaths of 60 Hamas militants.

Taking to Twitter, Israel Defence Force(IDF) wrote, "The Flotilla 13 elite unit was deployed to the area surrounding the Gaza security fence in a joint effort to regain control of the Sufa military post on October 7th. The soldiers rescued around 250 hostages alive.  60+ Hamas terrorists were neutralized and 26 were apprehended—including Muhammad Abu A'ali the Deputy Commander of the Hamas southern Naval Division".

The video shows Israeli soldiers entering a building with gunshots audible. One soldier fires from cover, while another throws a grenade at the outpost. Inside the bunker, soldiers reassure hostages, offering first aid if needed. Later in the footage, soldiers are seen carrying a stretcher.

The Flotilla 13 unit was deployed near the Gaza security fence in a joint effort to retake the Sufa military post on October 7. According to a local media report, the elite unit arrived “significantly outnumbered”, facing many armed terrorists who were well-organised and used hostages as human shields.

The team got into position and got help from armoured vehicles and aircraft, starting a long and intense battle that lasted for hours. They gunned down 60 Hamas terrorists and successfully rescued the terrified hostages.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has entered its seventh day, claiming over 2,800 lives since last Saturday. The United Nations warned that tragedy could turn into a “calamitous situation” after the IDF issued an evacuation warning to 1.1 million Palestinians in northern Gaza, directing them to relocate to southern Gaza within 24 hours.