Hill Areas Committee urges state to appeal against Manipur HC's ruling to include Meiteis in ST list

Hill Areas Committee urges state to appeal against Manipur HC's ruling to include Meiteis in ST list

Hills Area Committee has taken a resolution to urge the State Government as well as the Center to appeal against the Manipur High Court order on status of Meiteis.

Hill Areas Committee urges state to appeal against Manipur HC's ruling to include Meiteis in ST listHill Areas Committee urges state to appeal against Manipur HC's ruling to include Meiteis

The Hills Area Committee (HAC) of the Manipur Legislative Assembly has resolved to urge the State Government as well as the Centre to appeal the Manipur High Court's order, taking into account the sentiments, interests, and rights' of Manipur's Scheduled Tribes (ST). 

During a HAC meeting yesterday night, the resolution was overwhelmingly accepted. 

The HAC declared in a statement that it is dissatisfied with the High Court's judgement directing the state administration to enrol the Meitei community on the ST list of India, despite significant objections from the state's STS. 

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The HAC further noted that the Committee, which is a constitutional body of the state's hill areas, was not named a party to the litigation and was never contacted, and the HAC has never offered any advice or permission. 

The Meitei community is already protected under the constitution and is classified as General, OBC, and Scheduled Caste, according to the HAC. 

Meanwhile, the All Tribal Students' Union of Manipur (ATSUM) is expected to hold a meeting today in response to the High Court's judgement. 

It should be recalled that in issuing the decision on April 19, ordering the State Government to make suggestions for the inclusion of the community in the ST list, the High Court asked the State Government to consider the petition within four weeks of the day. 

Meanwhile, the Manipur Scheduled Tribe Demand Committee (STDCM) hailed the High Court's decision and expressed confidence that the state government will act responsibly and support the community's inclusion on the ST list.

Edited By: Atiqul Habib
Published On: Apr 21, 2023