Manipur Journalists' Union condemns remarks by former Assam Rifles DG on media over state crisis

Manipur Journalists' Union condemns remarks by former Assam Rifles DG on media over state crisis

The remarks and statements made by Lt. General Nair, former Director General of Assam Rifles against media reporting during the ongoing crisis in Manipur, have sparked strong reactions from the All Manipur Working Journalists' Union (AMWJU) and Editors Guild of Manipur (EGM).

Manipur Journalists' Union condemns remarks by former Assam Rifles DG on media over state crisis

The remarks and statements made by Lt. General Nair, former Director General of Assam Rifles against media reporting during the ongoing crisis in Manipur, have sparked strong reactions from the All Manipur Working Journalists' Union (AMWJU) and Editors Guild of Manipur (EGM).

Both organizations, representing frontline reporters, expressed shock and dismay at the General’s dismissal of the local media's efforts. They urged him to consider local civilian input, including that from journalists, before forming opinions based solely on a single narrative.

In a recent interview, Lt. General PC Nair, former Director General of Assam Rifles, leveled criticism against media reporting during the ongoing crisis in Manipur. 

His allegations raised concerns about the accuracy of both national and local media coverage, a topic that has already been under scrutiny by various bodies, including the Editors Guild of India. 

Lt. General Nair also pointed to the spread of fake videos on social media, some of which falsely depicted locations far from Manipur as being part of the conflict zone. He acknowledged the national media's involvement in this issue but praised the local media for taking extra precautions to avoid reporting on such misleading content. 

Despite this, his claims that certain weapons, including weaponized drones, had not been used in the conflict were met with significant pushback. 

Additionally, the General's statement that no rockets had been fired was also challenged. While it is true that locally made mortars, known as "Pumpi," have been in use, crude rockets were fired on multiple occasions, including in Oksungbung on August 10 and in Tronglaobi and Moirang on September 6, traveling distances of 4-6 kilometers.

Edited By: Nandita Borah
Published On: Sep 10, 2024