Manipur: Parents demand more teachers for Kadangband village’s only school amid crisis

Manipur: Parents demand more teachers for Kadangband village’s only school amid crisis

There is a say that education is a basic human right. But can we say that students studying in schools with an acute shortage of teachers are getting their rights?

In the absence of enough educational institutions in Kadangband Village under Imphal West district, children are devoid of quality education. 

Nevertheless, admitting education as the backbone of society, the resident of Kadangband Village is putting all their might into improving the condition of Kadangband High School, the lone school in the village, so that children do not completely compromise their education.  

Kadangband under the Imphal West district is a village located around 20 Km from Imphal city. Locating in the peripheral areas, it is one of the worst-affected villages of Manipur by the ongoing conflict. Yet most of the resident have not left their houses. 

After the crisis, some private schools in the Kadangband which were once an educational hub of villagers now no longer exist. This has become Kadangband High School, the only place for the educational centre of the village. But sadly, the school is reeling with the problem of an acute shortage of teachers. To mend it, the joint collaboration of local residents hires some teachers from their localities. Hired teachers are more or less working as volunteers as their honorarium is too meagre. 

Sharing the effort of villagers to operate Kadangband High School effectively, one of the women leaders of the Kadangband Village, Elangbam Shanti Devi said that Kadangband has a population of around 900 and the majority of them are below the poverty. The number of government employees from this village is hardly around 10. Most of them are daily wage earners or farmers. The crisis has coupled their burden as it is hard to find even petty job for their survival.

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She continued and said that amidst this tough condition, sending children in private school is beyond their capabilities. There are no more private schools in Kadangband Village. As such their only place for education is Kadangband High School but the school has no adequate teachers. 

Concerning student’s future, local residents have decided to hire four teachers at the cost of Rs 4000 per month each. To pay their honorarium, they collected Rs 200 per month from student’s parents and the remaining required about are contributed from Meira Paibis and the Local Club of the village. In this manner, local residents is managed to run this school effectively since the crisis unfolded. During this one-year period, the concerned local MLA has provided financial assistance for two months worth Rs 10000 each. She added that the concerned authority should fulfil the required teachers as soon as possible. 

“We say that the government provide free education. But here we are spending at least some amount of money to get an education from a government school. We are doing it without any complaints for the sake of our children. But sometimes Rs 200 is so big for people who are struggling with poverty. It would be so grateful for children and parents had required teachers are fill up,” she requested. 

Headmaster in charge of the school, Krishnalal said that as per the norm, there should be at least 15 teachers in a school upgraded at the high school level. But Kadangband High School has only four teachers. As an assistance, local people have provided four teachers hired by themselves. With this, eight teachers, eight teachers are educating students. Due to the absence of enough teachers, there are no students after class VIII. 

He further said that the earlier number of total strengths of the school was around 40. This was increased to 102 just after the conflict. However now it has reduced to 70 as many parents shift their children to other schools. The attendance rate is usually 70 to 80 percent. Most probably poverty could be the major reason for some students to attend school every day. 

One of the hired teachers, Meisnam Ranjana said that from before the crisis, she had been voluntarily teaching in the school with whatever honorarium provided by the local authority or club. Another three teachers were hired from last year because students were increased manifold when the crisis was out. 

She said that the world is so advanced and competitive. But the children of Kadangband Village are not getting the privilege to get quality education because of their poverty is really disheartening. This has motivated her to teach children in Kadangband High School with sacrificing spirit. 

Other hired teachers are Hemjit Langpokpakpam, Sairem Purnima and Lingjelthoibi Elangbam. All these teachers also engage in some other activities for survival and at the same time play an active role in guarding their village as well. 

It may be mentioned that the Manipur crisis broke out in last year May. Lasting peace is yet to bring. However, schools and colleges have been functioning for many months back so that the conflict doesn’t not impact the career of students.