The remote hills of Meghalaya are witnessing an unexpected cultural revolution as anime and cosplay enthusiasts gather for their annual celebration. The Tura Cosplay Community, pioneers of this movement in the Garo Hills, hosted their fourth annual event at DC Park on December 28, drawing hundreds of spectators and participants.
"When most local events revolve around conventional entertainment, we wanted to create something different - a space where self-proclaimed nerds could truly express themselves," shared the founder of the Tura Cosplay Community. This grassroots initiative, operating on a modest budget of Rs 50,000, managed to attract nearly 800 attendees this year.
The event showcased 20 participants, including duo performances, with cosplayers travelling from as far as Shillong and Guwahati. A special highlight was the performance by renowned judge Zacky D, who has become an inspiration for cosplay enthusiasts across Northeast India.
Breaking new ground, the organisers also incorporated K-pop random play dance segments, extending a welcoming hand to another underrepresented community in the region. This inclusive approach reflects the event's broader mission to provide a platform for various subcultures within Garo Hills.
Despite operating on a shoestring budget, primarily supported by DC Jagdish Chelani and community members' personal contributions, the event has seen growing participation each year. The organising team, comprising less than ten dedicated volunteers, has managed to create what many consider the region's first authentic space for anime, gaming, and cosplay enthusiasts.
"We're still explaining the concept of cosplay to many locals," the founder noted. "But seeing hundreds of people turn up, watching participants express themselves freely - it makes every challenge worthwhile. We're slowly building acceptance in Garo Hills, one event at a time."
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